Couple of Layouts
[nggallery id=6]
My Masters Program
[videoplayer file=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/strangeloveParticles.flv” /]
Particle systems and some simple compositing
[videoplayer file=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/courtTVsorensen.flv” /]
Motion graphics project
[videoplayer file=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/DX_Internet_Small.flv” /]
Student project – Domqui Hoti.
[videoplayer file=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/jumpV3-5squetch.flv” /]
A jump!
[videoplayer file=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/finalColorTweak.flv” /]
My Masters thesis.
Photo Composite
This is also in the book covers gallery, but this is a photo composite I did that I thought went particularly well. Just want it to be big, since I like old maps quite a bit.
So there’s an algorithm that shows you need four colors to color a map and have no two adjacent sections have the same color. And Craig had an old map of India. And I had some stock photos. And bingo.
Book covers
Some book covers I’ve worked on – I’ll probably add to this over time.
[nggallery id=3]Photo Retouch
Some samples of photo retouching I’ve done.
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Sidewinder Fan
[videoplayer file=”/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/fanFinal.mp4″ width=”640″ height=”480″ autostart=”false” /]
This is a fan from around 1940 – I think it’s a Sidewinder made by GE [?]. Modeled in NURBS. Includes rig, softbodies, and all the trimmings.
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Expansion Research
Logo, web,and print design. Custom PHP/MySQL backend