Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python – Learn how to program with a free ebook programming tutorial
Learn How to Program!
Free eBook Programming Tutorial
for Python Games!
Is it hard to become an Android developer…?
Is it hard to become an Android developer…?
A List Apart: Articles: CSS Positioning 101
CSS Positioning 101
Getting Started: Python – Google App Engine – Google Code
Getting Started: Python
This tutorial describes how to develop and deploy a simple Python project with Google App Engine. The example project, a guest book, demonstrates how to use the Python runtime environment, and how to use several App Engine services, including the datastore and the Google user service.
via Getting Started: Python – Google App Engine – Google Code.
Announcing Google Refine 2.0, a power tool for data wranglers – Google Open Source Blog
Google Refine is a power tool for working with messy data sets, including cleaning up inconsistencies, transforming them from one format into another, and extending them with new data from external web services or other databases. Version 2.0 introduces a new extensions architecture, a reconciliation framework for linking records to other databases like Freebase, and a ton of new transformation commands and expressions.
via Announcing Google Refine 2.0, a power tool for data wranglers – Google Open Source Blog.
What is OpenID? | OpenID
remember to add to earthfaire.
Python progression path – From apprentice to guru – Stack Overflow
Why I bill hourly :
My hourly rate is XX/hour.
I can spend 2-3 hours free of charge, trying to define the scope of what you want.
After that, I will start charging, even for a 5 minute telephone conversation.
The rule of thumb is: If I am doing something which I wouldn’t do if it weren’t for your project, you get charged for it.