Denouement: David Foster Wallace-Kenyon Commencement Speech 2005

Think of the old cliché about “the mind being an excellent servant but a terrible master”.

This, like many clichés, so lame and unexciting on the surface, actually expresses a great and terrible truth. It is not the least bit coincidental that adults who commit suicide with firearms almost always shoot themselves in: the head. They shoot the terrible master. And the truth is that most of these suicides are actually dead long before they pull the trigger.

via Denouement: David Foster Wallace-Kenyon Commencement Speech 2005.

noting this because of the obvious, except didn’t he hang himself. checking google…. yep. he did.

A Farewell to CSS3 Gradients » HTML & CSS, Layout » Design Festival

In 2011, SVG is actually well-​​supported by all the current mainstream browsers — even on mobile. What if we started with SVG and patched around the edges? Looking back over the 15 year evolution of CSS, it’s been a slow, often tortured development. At that development rate, it’s hard to imagine CSS ever developing into a truly powerful, flexible, visual design tool.But with SVG, arguably we have that fully-​​featured, visual language today.

via A Farewell to CSS3 Gradients » HTML & CSS, Layout » Design Festival.

A Book Apart, Responsive Web Design


From mobile browsers to netbooks and tablets, users are visiting your sites from an increasing array of devices and browsers. Are your designs ready? Learn how to think beyond the desktop and craft beautiful designs that anticipate and respond to your users’ needs. Ethan Marcotte will explore CSS techniques and design principles, including fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, demonstrating how you can deliver a quality experience to your users no matter how large (or small) their display.

via A Book Apart, Responsive Web Design.

Short Short Fiction Contest 2011 – Aspens 78 Word Fiction Contest – Esquire

The Rules in 78 words

Entries must be 78 words, in honor of Esquires 78th birthday. Were calling these short shorts Aspens.Ten winners will be flown to New York for a fiction workshop, taught by Colum McCann, and literary party. Grand Prize winner receives a full scholarship for the advanced fiction workshop at Aspen Summer Words June 17 to 22, 2012. All entries due by October 7, 2011. Must be submitted electronically at What are we looking for, exactly? Beat this…

via Short Short Fiction Contest 2011 – Aspens 78 Word Fiction Contest – Esquire.