HTML5 Boilerplate: The webs most popular front-end template.
Automattic Launches Liveblog Plugin for WordPress
WordPress functions.php Snippets | WP FUNCTION ME
WPFunction.Me lets you quickly build all the functionality you need for your next WordPress project!
Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners
A pattern is a reusable solution that can be applied to commonly occurring problems in software design – in our case – in writing JavaScript applications. Another way of looking at patterns are as templates for how you solve problems – ones which can be used in quite a few different situations.
Tor Project: Anonymity Online
Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis
Useful Coding Tools and JavaScript Libraries For Web Developers – Smashing Magazine
Deck JS » Modern HTML Presentations
necolas/normalize.css – GitHub
Physics engines for dummies | Pauls blog@Wildbunny
This time i’m going to talk about the basic components that make up a physics engine and how to put them together; this tutorial is aimed at programmers who have a basic grasp of maths and geometry but would like to step into the world of simulation.
wkhtmltopdf – Convert html to pdf using webkit (qtwebkit) – Google Project Hosting
Convert html to pdf using webkit (qtwebkit)
via wkhtmltopdf – Convert html to pdf using webkit (qtwebkit) – Google Project Hosting.